Track of the Day: Royal And The Southern Echo “Don’t Think About Me” (2019)

Brisbane’s Royal And The Southern Echo (otherwise known as Bryce Schneider) is back, with the brilliant “Don’t Think About Me“. Catchy, with a seriously good 80s vibe, this one was meant to be played loud and sung along to even louder!

Schneider says: “Look, I’d say on the surface people might interpret “Don’t Think About Me” to be a breakup song and I guess there are elements of that but for me it’s a bit bigger. I don’t think I could tie it to one experience or a specific person and I’m not really a fan of that kind of songwriting.

In the past I’ve let a lot of different people’s perspectives really affect the way I’ve thought, especially about myself and my art. I think this year I’ve learned a lot about letting go of that idea and have become more confident doing my own thing.”

Give it a listen below!

You can catch Royal And The Southern Echo at Brisbane’s BIGSOUND in on September 3rd and September 5th. You’ll find all the details here!

In the meantime, you can stay up to date with all things Royal And The Southern Echo via his Facebook and Instagram!

Jodie Sloan

she/her Brisbane/Meanjin I like fancy cocktails, pro wrestling, and spooky shit.