the AU interview: Laura (The Band, Melbourne)

You recently celebrated the launch of a double a-side 7″ signal. It has been quite a few years since your second record – what was it like to get back into the studio and record?

Recording for me is always a strange mix of stress and pleasure. Over time I had forgotten about the stress and was looking forward to recording again. Once we got in the studio it wasn’t long until all the suppressed memories of previous recording torture came flooding back. Thankfully, I have learnt lessons from past recordings and was able to keep the stress on the productive end of the scale. The collective lessons learnt from previous recordings should mean this album will be the closest yet to our vision.

How does a Laura song come to be? Do you all sit in a room together and jam? Do you write the music before hand?

Traditionally a Laura song is written by jamming ideas together, although writing for this album we have employed a broader range of writing styles. Some have been written from jam sessions, while other songs have been written by one or two members then brought to the group. Some songs haven’t quite survived the recording process are currently being cannibalised to create something new.

By the time you get to the recording studio, how much is left up to the magic on the day?

Certain members are more magical than others. From the bass and drums perspective we have everything meticulously mapped out with little room for magic.

By the time you then get onto the live stage, how much is left up to the magic on the night?

The magic or energy coming from the crowd is the biggest influence for a band on stage.

I don’t imagine that was all you recorded though… when can we expect a third album and/or more material from Laura?

We are putting the final touches on the new album now and should be ready for a midyear release.

When I listen to your music, you bring to mind quite a few artists, instrumentalists like Godspeed! You Black Emperor, fusions like Massive Attack – who do you feel inspired your sound?

All members of Laura have broad and often conflicting taste in music. While our individual tastes may vary there are general elements in music that inspire us all. Refinement, cutting the fat, control, and the texture of sound are facets we all admire in music and have become the elements we have pursued hardest in writing and recording this album.

Who are some of your favourite bands to listen to?

During the recording process I am extremely particular about what I listen to. For this recording I’ve lived on a steady diet of: Health, The Horrors, Salem, Fever Ray, The Highway Men, Ben Frost, Zaza and The Warlocks.

You’ve traveled the world quite extensively by the looks of things – where have been some of your favourite places to perform?

We haven’t travelled as much as we would like or plan to but after our recent shows we are feeling very excited about showing audiences our new material.

You just wrapped up a few tour dates here in Australia – what’s next on the cards for Laura?

Next on the cards is releasing and touring this album. We have been living within it for a few years now so we are very excited to finally share it.

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.