Australians going GAGA for GAGA: The Photos!

Next week, Lady Gaga is coming to Sydney for a one-off intimate extravaganza that has had all of Australia talking. She’s essentially the biggest artist in the world at the moment, so it’s no surprise.

She’s taking over the Sydney Town Hall… sorry, Sydney MONSTER Hall, on the 13th of July. You couldn’t buy tickets, and to win you had to enter a challenge where you showed Today Network, Take 40, Vodafone and Channel V just how ‘Monster’ you were. Close to 20,000 entries poured in over three weeks, and there were plenty of ridiculously creative entries.

Winners so far have included a couple dressed in full meat-suits, a montage of hundreds of little monsters with their paws up, a door representing the opening of Sydney Monster Hall / the Haus of Gaga, men in crowns, an abundance of face painting and blood, and a great representation of Gaga’s facial prosthetics!

To view a huge range of ‘Little Monster’ winning entries, simply go to, choose “Like” Take 40 and head to the Gallery! We’ve selected a few which we love and shown them to you here. We love seeing the public get behind these sorts of promotions! My personal favourite is the one at the top of this article, by Natalie Flodin.

That’s just an average Tuesday night for those guys, right?


For Gaga’s little monsters right around the country, GAGA LIVE at Sydney Monster Hall will premiere nationally on Nine’s digital channel GO!, on radio across Austereo’s Today Network and Southern Cross Media networks and online at, followed by Channel [V]. Vodafone and 3 customers will also be able to view the show and content from GAGA LIVE at Sydney Monster Hall directly from their mobiles via Vodafone Central forVodafone customers and Planet 3 for 3 customers.

Get ready for Monster Mania – it’s Your All-Time exclusive, Gaga Live At Sydney Monster Hall, presented by Today Network (2DAY FM, FOX FM, B105, SAFM, 92.9), Vodafone All-Time Prepaid & Take 40. //

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.