We caught up with The Cairos to talk about their new single “Shame”, tour life and much more!
About the tour, you guys just played your first show the other night, then had a massive drive to Sydney from Brisbane. Tell me a bit about the adventure so far?
Their pretty standard adventures. We’ve done the drive so many times now, it almost feels like it gets shorter each time. But so far, we played with Cabins the other night in Bondi. They’re a really great band. We had a pretty decent reception so we’re pretty happy about that.
How are you finding your reception in general? Are people starting to recognise your music?
Especially after the “We All Buy Stars” single, it’s getting much better. It makes it much more exciting to get out and continue to test the waters.
Yesterday you announced that you were going to be touring with Bluejuice, is that something you’re excited about?
Yeah, really excited. Their another local band, so that’s really cool and we love the their stuff. The people responded really kindly too it so it’s all very excting.
Are there going to be any antics you’re going to get up to and give Jake a run for his money?
We’ll see. I don’t want to give too much away and get us in trouble. We’re just going to get really drunk and have a lot of fun.
Looking forward for the year ahead, what else have you got in store for us?
We’ve got our new single which will be available on the 9th of March, called “Shame”. It’s pretty interesting, we never really saw much in the song, but we gave it to a few people at Universal and they obviously thought it was something pretty special. We’re just hoping everyone’s like.
When it comes to your next full length album, what is happening there?
We’ve already begun writing it. Our singer Alister has a farm about an hour’s drive from Brisbane and we just take all our gear up there and write songs all night. We’ve been doing that pretty much every fortnight, and coming out with about 15 songs every fortnight so hopefully we’ll come out with 100 songs to pick from in the end.
That’s definitely not a bad place to be.
Yeah, it’s a lovely place and you can make as much noise as you want which is exactly what we need.
I can’t wait to hear what comes out of that. When you say you have 100 songs to choose from, how far back do those songs come from?
Not too far back, we write quite often. We started writing about two months ago and already have about 30 songs.
So you’re driving to Newcastle tonight, and then Sydney tomorrow?
Yeah, it’s going to be crazy.
When it comes to past tour experiences, what has been the most bizarre thing that has happened on the stage or the road?
Probably two years ago when we were touring with a band called Scare was still around, we use to tour with them a lot. We were pretty broke and out of money, and our singer Alister use to have a really bad migrane problem. They use to be so awful that he had to spew. On one show he had to run off stage two songs into the set, and he spewed in a bucket which happened to be Scare’s. He just came back on stage and acted like nothing happened. We’re pretty use to it now.
I saw a photo on your facebook of a picture with Paul McCartney walking away. Were you involved with that?
No I wasn’t, Alister took some time off to go overseas and went to London. He was around Abbey Road Studios and just walked around to see if he was there. He’s probably the biggest The Beatles fanatic you’ll ever meet and he had tickets to go see him a few days after that. He just saw him and walked up to him and said “Hi Paul”. No one believed him when he came back with the photo. It was such a terrible photo.
Is there anyone on your bucket list that you want to meet?
There are so many crazy 80s guitar heroes that I would love to meet.
G3 are on their way down, so that should be interesting.
I’ll be there.
Look out for The Cairos new single “Shame” on the 9th of March!