CMJ Tour Diary: The Stanleys (Perth)

Perth band The Stanleys recently galavanted around the USA for a tour leading up to a series of shows in New York for CMJ. The band have shared their tour diaries with us. The first, above, is from their first stop in LA and the first of many burgers and fries on the CMJ Tour… as you do when in the USA!

Pirates, Mermaids and The Stanleys on stage at the Redwood Bar in downtown LA.

We’re off and racing in Madison, Wisconsin.

Alex from Indiana’s Mr Hipster (our touring buddies in the mid-west) gets the crowd going and the folk of Madison did darn well for a Tuesday night.

Who is this Villain we caught sticking up Stanleys stickers all over the USA?

Our “Tour Bus” for the drive from Wisconsin to New York with plenty of stops along the way

Those bunk beds are more comfortable than they look! Casa Chicago before the show.

Rockin the Horseshoe, Chicago before the Chicago Police Department paid us a visit to tell us to turn the volume down!

Chicago Cubs rock, White Sox not says Mark!

The Stanleys are pretty opened minded but do you really need to advertise your kinky preferences to everyone on your number plate!? (ha ha!)

Our show in Fort Wayne, Indiana was in an old bank that had been converted into an all ages music venue. Check out the old safe room behind us.

Who says blowing your nose on stage ain’t rock?

Hello Cleveland! – At Lake Lucerne’s Rocktoberfest

Jamie’s warning notice from the kind Pennsylvanian police who spared us a fine as we rushed to make sure we made it to our show in Boston that night.

Great to be back for our third lot of shows in NYC!

Love NYC’s street art.

Awesome lot of Aussie acts got together to show the CMJ punters how we do it down under!

Mark and Larry from the AU Review catching up for a chat and enjoying the sun on the roof top of the Delancey.

Our Set List for the Aussie BBQ show.

Adding our bit of Aussie power pop to the Aussie BBQ show!

Last show of the tour at Ariel Publicity and Sound Australia’s “CMJ Wrap Party” in Brooklyn streamed live on the net.

Back home in Perth, Australia and we have a big bag of fan mail waiting for us all the way from Wisconsin!! Stallion Candy is our new favourite candy!!

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.