Editor's Picks: 5 Aussies Not to Miss at The Aussie BBQ at CMJ – Larry Heath gives his top 5 artists ahead of the NYC event!

Kicking off in New York a matter of hours is the annual CMJ Music Marathon, a showcase of the finest up and coming bands from around the world. This year over 50 Australian bands have made the cut, and over the past week, Sose and Chris have delivered their festival picks. We also interviewed some of the Aussie artists before they jumped on the plane over. And now today I deliver my own picks. New York (and visiting guests)! I present to you the five Aussie artists I reckon you can’t miss at The Aussie BBQ at CMJ this week:


One of Australia’s most rockin’ bands is returning to New York City and as always, they’ll deliver a set not to be missed. BYO Denim Jackets.


In terms of popularity, the rise of Safia over the last few months has been nothing short of sensational. And their live show is without question a big part of this. They have proven themselves a force to be reckoned with:


One of Australia’s finest and favourite performers, there ain’t no party like a Kate Miller-Heidke party. She knows how to since (and boy can she sing) and she knows how to work a crowd (and bow can she work a crowd). Don’t miss her at The Aussie BBQ.


Some of the most interesting electronic music in the country – nay, the world – is set loose by Sydney duo Fishing. And adding in vocals, excellently bizarre TLC covers and more make it a fantastic live show too.


These girls are getting ready to set the world of fire, and if you’re a CMJ you shouldn’t miss the chance to check them out before they explode. Have a listen to their recent single “Dust” off their recently released self-titled EP which they performed at AU HQ last month:

Also a special mention to Zeahorse, who I left off this list as Sose already chose them. But let it be known that they would have been on here otherwise!

Don’t miss The Aussie BBQ to see all of these bands, details are here. Most are also playing other showcase events and parties during the week ahead. We’re also proud to be presenting eight amazing Australian bands at the Southern Exposure showcase on Thursday night. Check out the details here.

For more on CMJ, head to http://www.cmj.com/

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.