Truly something special, Sport For Jove presents Much Ado About Nothing at Bella Vista Farm

Arguably one of Shakespeare’s most beloved comedies, Much Ado About Nothing has always left me with complicated feelings. While, like many, I consider the repartee between Beatrice and Benedick to be some of the best in classic literature, the disgusting mistreatment of Hero is something I have become increasingly uncomfortable with.

Falsely accused of infidelity on the eve of her wedding to Claudio, she is publicly humiliated, physically assaulted and violently rejected by her father (in this instance, her mother), only to forgive all at the plays conclusion when the truth is revealed.

Leilani Loau as Leonato and Ellen Coote as Hero.

Director Samantha Young has made subtle but impactful modifications to the original that go some way to addressing this gendered imbalance. Most significantly, giving Hero the agency over her own fate by making the decision herself to fake her own death, an idea conceived by the Friar in the original version. While Hero does still forgive Claudio in the end and agrees to marry him, despite how quickly he believed the worst about her, there is a sense that it is a case of forgiven, but not forgotten.

The choice to set the play in 1890s Australia on a pastoral station named Messina was the perfect choice given the production takes place on Bella Vista Farm. As the sun set the actors were competing with the chorus of birds who were determined to outshine the troupe. When Benedick washed himself in the water tank to the sound of kookaburras laughing at his folly, it truly brought the production to life. Damien Ryan’s stage design was both simple and sympathetic to the surroundings, allowing the property itself to shine.

Toby Blome as Claudio and Mandela Mathia as Don Pedro.

It is an impossible task to call out any particular performer who stole the show, as each were exceptional, often playing multiple characters throughout. Lelani Loau, who played Leonato, truly excelled as Dogberry, a swagman and justice warrior. Toby Bloom’s Claudio had impeccable comedic timing and the ability to turn mistakes into some of the plays funniest moments. Mandela Mathia was dominating as Don Pedro, but beyond brilliant as the Friar. And of course, Jay James-Moody as Benedick and Megan O’Connell as Beatrice were perfectly cast comedic gold.

Megan O’Connell as Beatrice and Jay James-Moody as Benedick.

Young has done an impressive job at adapting one of Shakespeare’s most iconic plays and transforming it into an immersive and widely entertaining experience.

I have seen Much Ado About Nothing performed many times, but last night at Bella Vista Farm I laughed like it was the first time, and that is truly something special.


Much Ado About Nothing will play at Bella Vista Farm until 29 December 2024 before travelling to Evergaldes Gardens in Leura from 4 – 19 January 2025. For more information and to buy tickets head to the Sport for Jove website.

Reviewer attended on 21 December 2024.

Photos by Karla Elbourne