This week, fast food giant McDonalds announced the timings for their highly anticipated (and long overdue) rollout of all-day breakfast. News dropped months ago that Maccas were trailing the concept, continuing the global trend of using Australia as a kind of testing ground for their new ideas; now the timing has been confirmed, and all-day breakfast will available nationally by the end of February 2016.
The all-day brekkie option is already available in Wollongong, Gold Coast, South Australia, and West Australia, with the reception unsurprisingly positive, given that anyone can know walk into one of the brand’s numerous locations and order up anything from a Bacon & Egg Mc’Muffin to those supreme Hotcakes. Also available on the all-day breakfast menu are Hash Browns and Sausage & Egg McMuffins, quelling rumours that only some breakfast items will stretch from morning to night.
In addition to the above, Victoria and Tasmania have now been included in the all-day brekkie circle. The announcement for Melbourne came with the very curious sight of Bacon & Egg McMuffins actually raining down on Melbourne thanks to a partnership with Jafflechutes.
McDonalds is located pretty much everywhere