Following the recent opening of a George Costanza themed bar in Fitzroy – George’s Bar – it is now being reported that the Melbourne suburb of Thornbury will become home to a Larry David inspired cafe, named Larry David’s, in a few weeks time. This is not a hoax.
The neurotic mastermind behind Seinfeld and Curb Your Enthusiasm and arguably one of the most influential figures in comedy television history will be honoured with this new opening, which will apparently be fashioned after a classic New York bagel store, with juices, coffees, and preeety preeety preeetttyyyy good bagels (let’s hope they are just as inexpensive as the ones in NYC too!).
Just try not to take too many napkins and start hoping they have one of those vanilla bullshit things!
Larry David’s will be located at 461 St Georges Rd, Thornbury for updates you can check their Facebook page HERE.