One of New York’s most renowned young chefs right now is Jonah Reider, sometimes referred to as the “Dorm Roof Chef” for the faux-restaurant, Pith, he ran out of his own dorm room at Columbia University last year. During it’s run, Pith amassed a waitlist of over 4,000 people and New York Times was quoted describing the dorm-restaurant as “the hottest table in town”. Why do you care? Well if you like in Sydney you might like to know that in just under a week Reider will be bringing Pith to one of the city’s smallest apartments.
Across 29th, and 30th October, Jonah will host this very intimate, six-seater restaurant in partnership with KitchenAid to showcase their new Artisan Mini Mixer, a kitchen tool which the young chef will use as part of his set-up in the 27 square metre apartment (the size of two car spaces side-by-side) – an apartment which was designed by award-winning architect Brad Swartz. He’ll use the versatile Artisan Mini to create dishes that make up an experimental four-course menu, promising local ingredients such as kangaroo, eucalyptus, manuka honey, lemon myrtle, and freshly caught seafood.
“It seems Australia is similar to NYC in that both places have a reputation for a crazy cost of living and small apartments”, said Jonah. “I opened my supper club in a dorm room and have held other pop-ups in the most bizarre of spaces – limited available spaces doesn’t mean you can’t entertain and host dank social gatherings with friends.”
Bookings to the very limited edition Pith by Mini restaurant are now open and reservations of interest can be made HERE. Those who are successful will be notified of bookings by 1pm on Friday 28th October. Confirmed reservations will be offered as two tickets per bookings, with the going rate of only $50 per couple. The menu will be fixed and accompanied by wines, spirits, and soft drinks. The exact address (in Darlinghurst) will be sent to those who are successful.
Pith by Mini
Where: Darlinghurst
When: Sat 29th and Sun 30th October; 12:30pm-6:30pm