More than 80,000 burger lovers across Australia (possibly the world) are subscribed to what started out as a small but passionate online community linked by the love of one of the most ubiquitous foods of all times. It’s the now famous Fatties Burger Appreciation Society (FBAS) of course, a Facebook group that continues to grow rapidly, highlighting the importance and demand for a service which regularly sifts through the often overcrowded scene of burgers to find the very best, and make damn sure everyone knows about it. It’s crowd-sourcing at it’s best, and for years has been the go-to for many burger chefs and fans alike.
The group, which has been featured on numerous media channels since it’s inception, are taking their love of burgers one step further with their latest move, a collaboration between the admins and Alex Morris of Love Your Food. Rating burgers and encouraging the community to do so is all well and good, but this latest collaboration seeks to provide more insight into those burgers which have been consistently hitting the mark and become certified hits, no doubt thanks to the “word of mouth” aspect of FBAS.
That collaboration is a special 10-part video series focused on Sydney, where FBAS has it’s biggest following, titled Behind the Scenes with the Big 10. It’s planned as a monthly segment focusing in on one burger, burger chef and burger joint at a time. The videos, which will be made progressively available for free on Youtube throughout this year, give burger fiends the chance to meet the owners, chefs and wider teams from the 10 biggest and most popular burger establishments across Sydney, offering businesses to get out their unique brand stories and let people know what makes their burgers rise above the rest.
First cab off the rank was authoritative burger author and cook Jimmy Hurlston and his Darlinghurst burger joint Guilty, which recently made waves by introducing a mi goreng fried chicken burger. Hurlston was the focus for episode one which was uploaded to FBAS’ new Youtube channel last month. You can watch it below.
They’ll be dropping the second episode this week so be sure to keep your eyes on the channel. For any enquiries regarding the series you can contact Matt Whisker at
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