2018 Miles Franklin longlist announced, with three former winners making the cut

Peter Carey, Michelle De Kretser, and Kim Scott head up an eleven strong list of contenders for the prestigious Miles Franklin Literary Award. The past winners are up against eight other established authors, contending for a $60,000 prize.

One of Australia’s most important literary awards, the Miles Franklin was established with funds from the estate of My Brilliant Career author Stella Maria Sarah Miles Franklin. Since its 1957 inception, the Miles Franklin has awarded over $1million in prize money to Australian authors, celebrating work that focuses on Australian life in all its phases.

Richard Neville, Mitchell Librarian of the State Library of NSW and head of the Award judging panel, said of the longlist:

“The longlist for the Miles Franklin Literary Award 2018 spans many genres of the novel: historical, fantastical, realist, satirical, allegorical and autobiographical. The books take us back in time to consider the effects of the past, or address the issues of contemporary life, or give glimpses of an uncertain, even frightening future.”

The Australian journalist and columnist, Murray Waldren, book critic Dr Melinda Harvey, Sydney-based bookseller, Lindy Jones and Emeritus Professor, Susan Sheridan will join Neville on the judging panel.

The full longlist includes:

  • Peter Carey – A Long Way from Home
  • Felicity Castagna – No More Boats
  • Michelle de Kretser – The Life to Come
  • Lia Hills – The Crying Place
  • Eva Hornung – The Last Garden
  • Wayne Macauley – Some Tests
  • Catherine McKinnon – Storyland
  • Gerald Murnane – Border Districts
  • Jane Rawson – From the Wreck
  • Michael Sala – The Restorer
  • Kim Scott – Taboo

The shortlist will be revealed on 17th June at the Annual Australian Booksellers Association (ABA) Gala Dinner in Canberra, while the overall winner will be announced on 26th August.

For more information about the Miles Franklin Literary Award or the longlisted authors and their work, please see the Perpetual website.


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Jodie Sloan

she/her Brisbane/Meanjin I like fancy cocktails, pro wrestling, and spooky shit.