New King Kong movie gets a proper title and release date


Legendary Pictures’ epic follow-up has received a definitive name. The upcoming film will now be titled Kong: Skull Island.

Originally slated for release in Novemeber 2016, the monster flick has been pushed back to March 10th 2017. That is a US release date and no word of an international date has been reported.

The second installment to Peter Jackson’s fantastic King Kong (2005) is actually a prequel. It sees Tom Hiddleston leading a team of explorers to the mysterious island in order to uncover its secrets. The synopsis at this time is vague but it has been promised that the film will honor the lore of King Kong and Skull Island while establishing its own distinct tone and narrative.

Jordan Vogt-Roberts will direct a script penned by John Gatins and Godzilla’s Max Borenstein


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