Zosia Mamet, probably best known to many as the endlessly entertaining Shosanna Shapiro on HBO’s Girls, will be jumping into a vastly different role as she prepares to portray iconic musician and writer Patti Smith in an upcoming biopic based on US avant-garde photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. Former Doctor Who star Matt Smith will be portraying Mapplethorpe himself in the new film, to be directed by Ondi Timoner (director behind Brand: The Second Coming).
The relationship between Mapplethorpe and Smith, backed by the Mapplethorpe Foundation for this project, will be explored in the film; the best friends and one-time lovers’ artistic endeavours and successes being a focal point of this presentation. Says Timoner of the film, “After several years of developing this script and searching across the globe for the perfect talent to embody the rich and layered roles of visionary artists Robert Mapplethorpe and Patti Smith, I am ecstatic to have found Matt Smith and Zosia Mamet. They will bring indelible passion, raw humanity, and authenticity to this timeless, inspiring story.”
Production starts in the US summer, while fans can catch Matt starring in the upcoming Pride & Prejudice & Zombies as well as portraying Prince Philip in the new Netflix drama, The Crown, while Mamet will be seen in Girls once again from February.