Hail, Ceasar! actor officially cast as Han Solo for 2018 Star Wars Story

After months of rumors and speculation, Disney has found their new Han Solo in Alden Ehrenreich.

Ehrenreich was last seen in the Coen Brother‘s Hail, Caesar! and will be playing a younger version of the Harrison Ford character in one of Disney‘s upcoming Star Wars anthology films, centering on the iconic character’s origin story.

The prequel film has yet to be given an official title but Jump Street and Lego Movie alums Phil Lord and Christopher Miller are on board to direct so it’s hard to get too worried.

The Han Solo movie itself isn’t slated for release until 2018  but there are rumors that Ehrenreich’s character will be showing up or teased in the upcoming Rogue One – A Star Wars Story so we might be seeing him in action sooner rather than later.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story releases in cinemas on December 15th 2016.


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