Blizzard Entertainment have released the latest animated short for their popular team-shooter Overwatch. The short, entitled The Last Bastion, debuted at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany and provides a little backstory for Defense hero Bastion. Check it out below.
The Overwatch backstory tells us that Bastion was originally just another robot among an army designed for peacekeeping that, during the Omnic Crisis, turned on mankind and began laying waste to us as a species. Left dormant and abandoned in a forest, Bastion awakens long after the war’s conclusion and finds itself “with an intense curiosity about the natural world and its inhabitants.”
The short itself is without dialogue, giving it a rather Wall-E-esque feel. Further Disney inspiration seems present in the soundtrack, which feels influenced by Disney/Pixar’s Oscar-winning Paperman short.
The short also play into the new map, Eichenwalde, that was announced at Gamescom just a few days ago. Eichenwalde is not only near to where Bastion awakens in the short, but is also Overwatch‘s new payload/assault map and is set in a village near Stuttgart that was the site of a significant battle between the German military and the advancing Omnics.
“The Last Bastion” is the fifth in Blizzard’s series of Overwatch shorts to feature on specific characters from the game. Previous shorts have focused on Winston, Soldier:76, Tracer and Widowmaker, and Genji and Hanzo respectively.