Currently airing on SBS to rave reviews, Trapped is an Icelandic TV series that tells the story of recently re-located police officer Andri Olafsson, who moved his life to a small town at the bottom of a beautiful fjord in the northeast of Iceland, leaving behind a questionable past in Reykjavik. It’s the first Icelandic series to ever be acquired by the BBC, and it will bring back memories of another brilliant series filmed in the region, Fortitude.
Here’s a bit more about the show: “After a ferry from Denmark pulls into the town’s port, a body is discovered floating nearby among the ice. Realising there is now a murderer in their small town, order disintegrates into chaos as the passengers and the residents realise they are all either possible suspects or possibly in danger. As Andri uncovers an intricate web of buried secrets, he also discovers that their only way to survive is a truth stranger than fiction.”
The complete first series of Trapped is being released in Australia on DVD on September 7th and to celebrate we’ve got FIVE DVD copies to give away! To enter just fill in the form below. Competition closes September 7th at noon.