Directed by Roberto Andò, The Confessions (Le confessioni) is a refreshing suspense thriller. The film centres on a global summit where the world’s powerful and influential leaders attend. Among them is Salus (Toni Servillo), a monk, who is called over by Director of International Monetary Funds Daniel Roché (Daniel Auteuil) so he could make a confession.
Things spiral down when Roché is found dead and Salus becomes the prime suspect. He refuses to give up anything useful including Roché’s confession to interrogators. Financial ministers suspect that Roché passed on secret plans that would cause an upheaval among the privileged and prevent their schemes.
The film tests your patience with its philosophical theme of time and destabilisation of order. It was easy to lose focus and you might feel disconnected. However, the acting and the refreshing non-exotic or rosy picture of Italy but a regular country in the modern world were redeeming qualities. Servillo’s monk carries a calm yet unnerving vibe, leading you to think that perhaps he is behind the murder.
The score of offbeat and classical composition does pull you in and helps to make sense of what’s going on, and a reminder that this thriller has its own style. But perhaps not to your own taste.
The Confessions is screening nationally as part of the Lavazza Italian Film Festival through September and October. To find out when and where it’s screening near you, head HERE.