RTS genre revival Halo Wars 2 unveiled its latest cinematic trailer during The Game Awards 2016. Focusing on the imposing new villain and dogged Covenant survivor Atriox, the trailer paints a picture of a fearsome, driven foe.
Atriox is a Brute, an enemy type well-known to Halo veterans, who was enslaved by Covenant but rebelled against them, inspiring others of his race to rise up with him. He took this fledgling band of hardened survivors and formed The Banished, an army of elite mercenaries.
“The Covenant were fighting two enemies during the war,” intones the trailer’s AI narrator. “They nearly got us. But Atriox? They never even came close.”
Halo Wars 2 will release on Xbox One and Windows PC through Xbox Play Anywhere was originally set to release this year, but was pushed to February 21, 2017 for further work. Those who have pre-ordered the Ultimate Edition will get early access from December 20.