The third instalment in the Avengers film series, Infinity War, will be hitting Australian cinemas at the end of April, and today we get our first taste of the film. This will be the first time a number of iconic Marvel characters will be a part of an Avengers film, including The Guardians of the Galaxy, Spider-Man (new suit and all!) and Doctor Strange. Black Panther will also be a part of the ever expanding ensemble, with his film arriving in February.
Watch the first trailer here:
Anthony and Joe Russo will direct the film, which will be the first part of a two part Avengers saga. Originally this was going to be Infinity War Parts One and Two, however it’s been confirmed that the second title – to be released in 2019 following Captain Marvel and Ant-Man and the Wasp – will have its own name.
Avengers: Infinity War releases in cinemas on April 25th, 2018.
Image Credit: Marvel/Disney.