British comedian Romesh Ranganathan has entertained audiences as the Asian Provocateur with his travels to Sri Lanka and America. His latest series, Just Another Immigrant, will premiere exclusively on Stan and takes a leaf out of these previous books. It sees Ranganathan coming to America to crack the U.S. comedy scene with his quirky family members in tow. The show is another hilarious docuseries and we share the top five things we learned:
1. Many viewers know that Uncle Rags is a more blinged-up, pimped up version of Romesh Ranganthan. He is on hand once again with his zest for life and encouragement of his cantankerous nephew. Watch out for the scene where Rags is as proud as punch with a rented hummer the size of a monster truck. It’s all well and good until it proves difficult to drive and impossible to parallel park on the tight, car-filled streets of L.A.
2. Ranganathan’s straight-talking mother, Shanthi is also back. And if that’s not a funny enough prospect in and of itself, she’s got extra ammunition with Romesh’s wife and three sons also on-hand to cut him down a peg or three.
3. Look out for some hilarious Americans. There’s a red neck driver who had expected Ranganathan to sound like The Simpsons’ Apu. There’s also a delightful burrito artist named José who has a heart and smile that’s as big as the Hollywood sign. He organises a gig for Romesh at a Mexican restaurant and no surprises; it doesn’t go well.
4. There are some star cameos here too. Poor Jim Norton is hounded by Romesh and José at an NFL game when they storm his private box. If that wasn’t humiliating enough, Romesh follows this up by sidling up to the star right before his comedy show another night and stays for an unwanted drink. Pauly Shore also drops by and gives Romesh a hot serving of shit.
5. This show asks the big question, “Will Romesh sell out L.A.’s Greek Theatre?” The BAFTA-nominated actor has had successful UK tours but lots of the US comedy promoters think he’s crazy and aiming too big to fill 5900 seats at an outdoor venue. This message really hits home when Romesh can’t even get up at a comedy open mic at a sex shop (there’s a cheeky joke hidden in there people!). But only time will tell- of course.
Just Another Immigrant will premiere exclusively on Stan June 9, with two episodes weekly, same day as the U.S.