In our 89th instalment of “Stumbled Upon”, we meet Brooklyn’s Ember Isles, and chat about their forthcoming EP, living in Brooklyn and get a sneak peak at their latest track ‘John James’.
Band Name:
Ember Isles
Website / Social Media:
Facebook / Soundcloud / Instagram / Twitter
Modern Folk
Members & their roles:
Megan Lui – electric guitarist + vocalist
Tamsin Wilson – acoustic guitarist + vocalist
Hannah Read – fiddler, acoustic guitarist + vocalist
What music or artists inspired you?
A huge mix; from Fleetwood Mac, The Boswell Sisters, Joni Mitchell, Blake Mills, to our community of musicians in New York.
How did the band get started?
We became good friends in college and, after graduation, moved to Brooklyn together. Our teeny flat made it easy to start playing on each others music and soon we had enough for a trio set.
How would you best describe your live show:
Eclectic folk soul and foot-stomping stories
What shows do you have coming up?
Keep an eye on Facebook for more dates.
Tell us about your latest release:
We’ve released two singles from a forthcoming EP: ‘John James’ and ‘Love Song’. Both of which we are really excited for people to hear, they both kind of slow burners to cozy up and listen to.
Where can I get your music?
Soundcloud & Bandcamp
Listen to ‘Stumbled Upon’ on AU Radio , Mondays at 8:30PM, Thursdays at 3PM and Sundays at 10AM (AEDT), or the playlist of past ‘Stumbled Upon’ artists on Soundcloud