Melbourne comedy duo Jon and Jero are back with their latest kids’ show The Forgotten Tales. At the start of this year, the pair performed their previous show, STUFF! at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, getting a five star review from yours truly (read it HERE).
The Forgotten Tales was highly anticipated by my kids, with the interactive aspect being what they looked forward to the most- and we were not let down! The show is pretty much fully improvised, which I found really impressive. Relying on plot points from the audience, Jon and Jero have such a talent for quickly making up coherent (and super silly) stories, with no awkward pauses or confusing moments.
Telling stories in various ways, such as doing one word each at a time, or having the audience make up a story by shouting out random words that they should incorporate, the show was constantly changing and the humour was absolutely there, with constant laughs from the audience.
Personally, I enjoyed this show even more than the last, however my kids (aged 5) found it to be a little long for their attention spans, and by the end they were more focused on what was for lunch. I would definitely recommend this show for older kids, and adults who appreciate improv comedy! I would love to see Jon and Jero getting the recognition they deserve and work so hard for, so if you’re looking for something different to do with (or without) the kids, keep an eye on their website HERE to see where they’re performing next.
Reviewer attended Saturday 6th July 2024 at La Mama Courthouse