The Perth Fringe World started last weekend and often as a casual punter it can be hard to know what to go and see, but The Purple Rabbit (showing January 25 to February 5) stands out early as a must for keen audiences.
The AU Review was lucky enough to be invited along for the opening show of their Fringe run at The Rechabite on Wednesday, Australia Day Eve, creating a lively atmosphere of at-ease anticipation. Along with no shortage of purple rabbit ears, seemingly handed out to the early arrivers on the door.
The anticipation, fueled by a later than scheduled start as the sell-out crowd gradually found their seats, was quenched by the quintet who make up The Purple Rabbit. Featuring a lead magician, fire-breathing dancer, beatboxer, finger magician, and the quirky sexual psychic-cologist, it was a wild ride.
Confused already? Don’t be. This show doesn’t need to be pigeon-holed or defined. It’s a mix that works well with comedy underlining almost every part of the show, ensuring maximum engagement.
The magic isn’t generic either. Sure, there’s Rubik’s cubes, the old detachable thumb trick and card tricks, but they’ve added an inventive, refreshing spin to them that includes pints of beer appearing out of nowhere (stay thirsty if you’re in the front row). It’s as gob smacking as magic can be, but with parodic humour.
There’s naughtiness too, with ‘Byron Bay qualified psychic-cologist’ Harper Jones leading the way with her butt plugs and sexually infused crowd interaction. Yes, if you’re attending, be prepared to be hauled onto stage or quizzed for an ad-hoc gameshow. But it’s all in good spirits. No one will get killed (unless you pick the wrong box).
The energy from the quintet is palpable, warm and polished, creating a fascinating and joyous mix of late-night comedy, trickery, mischief and pure wonder. Don’t miss this one!
Book your tickets for The Purple Rabbit at Perth Fringe World here
Photo credit: Pia Drummond