I ended my Edinburgh Fringe with the Iate night sketch comedy show from English duo Norris & Parker, Burn The Witch. The show, which saw the pair accompanied by a deadpan keyboard player (with his own songwriting, werewolf related dreams), featured a number of skits and songs as the pair jumped through a number of characters in a hilarious hour long, innuendo-filled performance.
The show is a typical Fringe sketch comedy-meets-cabaret affair – one that sees its performers get the audience unwillingly involved as a bizarre series of story lines intersect into a show that is as clever and organised as it is rough around the edges.
The show sees Katie Norris and Sinead Parker open things up with “Burn Ze Vitch”, a European dance club number, as they take us to the Penis Cliffs of Phallus Ridge, where they play Vice hosts, scientists, sex witches, goats, horny bikers and small town residents (most memorably Jean Finger) just wanting to find their missing partner (Keith! Where are you Keith!). And they play themselves too, as two women who had recently gone through breakups.
All of this is crafted with quick costume changes, often hilarious songs and pun-filled dialogue that makes it a laugh out loud experience, perfect for a show which takes us into the midnight hour.
I couldn’t think of a better way to end a Fringe that has been filled with thought-provoking stand up comics and bizarro musicals and cabaret / sketch comedy performances, as Norris & Parker prove themselves wonderfully capable of crafting an immensely enjoyable hour of entertainment, and a show you won’t soon forget. Even if it is all a bit, well… silly. But there’s nothing wrong with that.
Norris & Parker‘s Edinburgh Fringe show Burn The Witch has its final performances tonight the 26th of August at Pleasance Courtyard – Beneath. For tickets and more details, head to the official website.
The reviewer attended the performance on August 24th.