Jude Perl made me think about a lot of things. Made me notice a lot of things. And she made me laugh more than I thought was actually physically possible. If I could give any person who chances to wander over this article a small snippet of life advice it would be this. Go and watch Jude Perl perform, you will not regret a single minute of it.
In her Fringe show I Have a Face, Jude picks apart society and the way that we as humans approach the best days in our lives, our flaws, our identity and world of other topical issues and explorations. In doing so, Jude positioned herself in my own life as one of the most insanely clever, comical and talented comedians I may have ever stumbled across, and one of the most entertaining performances on the Melbourne Fringe Festival calendar. It was the comedy show I had been dreaming about.
Her show I Have A Face delves through hilarious skits about real things, real life and songs that are unmistakably honest. A standout song about the way we utilise labels to justify our identity was pin-point perfect and a song about band-aids and the way we cover up our problems was raw, honest and her songwriting skills were impeccable. Jude, you made me laugh, cry and than do that weird laugh-cry thing where you aren’t exactly sure what emotions you’re feeling but snot and tears are dribbling down your face yet you’re still laughing.
Holding the audience captivated for the entirety of the show, I was so darn engrossed in everything Jude Perl said and sang with her brilliant, vibrant voice with those perfectly sculpted songs with those brutally honest and often hilarious stream of consciousness lyrics that I couldn’t fault it. There wasn’t a moment where my gaze shifted or when I sipped uncomfortably on my drink or looked around to see if anyone else was laughing because in that moment at the Fringe Hub in North Melbourne, I was completely and utterly engrossed. Funny? Yes. Cleverly comical? Yes again. Bound to make you think about life, notice things about your life and feel good about who you are? Triple Yes. Something I would recommend to my mother, father, grandparents, significant other and next door neighbour? Hell. Yes.
Jude Perl‘s I Have a Face played at the Fringe Hub: Art House until the 21st of September. For more information, head to the Melbourne Fringe Festival website HERE. Our reviewer attended the performance on the 19th of September.