Philosopher and best selling author AC Grayling is returning to Australia next month; and will be including a stop in Perth for an out of season Perth International Arts Festival event. One of Britain’s foremost public intellectuals, Grayling will be talking on the subject of his new book The Age of Genius.
The address entitled Progress in Troubled Times: Learning from the Age of Genius will touch on how the Seventeenth Century heralded the ‘greatest ever change in the mental outlook of humanity’, exploring a period which saw superstition, overt religiosity and belief in alchemy give way to rigorous scientific observation, astronomy and philosophical investigation. In short then the Seventeenth Century was the advent of modernity.
Grayling is best known as the author of over thirty books of philosophy, biography, history of ideas and essays. He is a regular contributor and talking head on television and in print. Grayling is Master of the New College of Humanities in London, and a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Arts and the Royal Society of Literature.
An Evening with AC Grayling takes place at the Octagon Theatre on the grounds of the University of Western Australia on Wednesday 31st August at 7pm. Tickets go on sale to the public on Monday 11th July HERE.
Age of Reason is out now from Bloomsbury
AC Grayling will also be appearing at Sydney Opera House’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas that runs September 3-4.