Theatre Review: Bruce – The Blue Room Theatre, Perth (21.11.13)

Meet Bruce. He’s a “hero” cop, turned bestselling author, turned astronaut, turned time traveller. He’s also the titular star of Tim Watts’ and Wyatt Nixon-Lloyd’s new production Bruce. Oh and in case you hadn’t noticed already he’s a giant yellow foam block.

Suffice to say this is a show like none other you will see this year; it’s a wonderfully strange, funny and creative piece. But most importantly, it’s entertaining. Bruce is the ultimate B-movie only performed on the stage, with a script brimming with tropes and nods to popular culture and film. These are ideas, which whilst bordering on cliché, still remain funny and fresh in the capable hands of Watts and Nixon Lloyd.

The level of creativity on display throughout is impressive. From the simple beginnings of a block of foam, some ping-pong balls, and a pair of gloves, Watts and Nixon-Lloyd have managed to create a myriad of characters, from the flawed yet likeable Bruce right down to a hospital surgeon. Whilst at the same time, taking the audience on an imagined journey from outer space, through botched police raids and dusty bars.

The quality and creativity of the production, really shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. Tim Watts has a bit of a track record when it comes to this kind of thing. His previous productions Alvin Sputnik and It’s Dark Outside have been met with rave reviews and sold out performances around the world. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Bruce follows suit. So if you wanted tickets, you should probably act fast, this will sell out.

Bruce will be appearing at The Blue Room Theatre in Perth every night until December 7th.


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Simon Clark

Books Editor. An admirer of songs and reader of books. Simon has a PhD in English and Comparative Literature. All errant apostrophes are his own.