Author: Angelina Pasusuwan

Games Review: The Low Road (Switch, 2018) is a small indie gem in need of a little polishing

I wouldn’t blame you if this indie point and click puzzle adventure slipped through the cracks, especially with the extreme amount of indie titles being released each month. The Low Road follows a new spy hoping to get her foot in the door so she can get out and do some field work. It comments on…

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Games Review: Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PS4, 2018) is a fantastic return to a much loved series

Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a Japanese war-time strategy game with unique combat elements. I’ve never played a Valkyria Chronicles game before but I’m willing to try any game at least once, and I’m glad this is the one to introduce me to the franchise. Valkyria Chronicles 4 follows the story of Squad E, many of…

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Games Review: Phantom Doctrine (PS4, 2018) shows a lot of promise, but is a little too complex for the casual gamer

Phantom Doctrine is a turn-based strategy game set during the Cold War. You play as either a retired KGB, rogue CIA, or an unlockable secret identity, in charge of a secret operation to stop a world-ending conspiracy. Basically, it’s X-COM set in the Cold War, but with an enticing spy twist. The game itself has…

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Wolfenstein II‘s new DLC is here to gift you with a Silent Death

Wolfenstein II‘s latest DLC, The Diaries of Agent Silent Death, came out recently on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. It’s the second DLC out of a scheduled three, available with the Freedom Chronicles Season Pass or the Digital Deluxe Edition of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

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Games Review: Gear.Club Unlimited (Switch, 2017) revs loudly but never quite fires on all cylinders

I guess I’ll start by saying that I don’t really play many racing games. Gear.Club Unlimited hasn’t managed to change my opinion of them either, but neither was it a totally unenjoyable experience.

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The Game Awards: Where and when Aussies can watch today’s stream live

The Game Awards are taking place in LA and they’re pulling out all the stops this year. This year’s event will stream across almost every social media and streaming site available. 

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