Swanston Street staple Noodle Kingdom is no more. The Sze family’s beloved restaurant has passed down to daughter Tiffy who has transformed the space into what is now Mr Kwok, an homage to her father as part of the newly formed Next Week Group, and a push towards the LanZhou and Gansu regions of China…
Read moreDoctor Who‘s Jenna Coleman was the star attraction at the second day of Armageddon Expo over the weekend in Melbourne. Kimberley Salmond was there and brings us back some of the things asked to Jenna during the Q&A, and how she answered! Have you ever suggested ideas to Steven (Moffat)? No, you have to be…
Read moreThe Armageddon Expo dropped by Melbourne this weekend, providing a fun environment for geeks to well, ‘geek out’ on their favourite fandoms and share their obsessions for all things television, sci-fi, mystical and comical with other fans. On the first day, Alaina Huffman of Stargate Universe, Supernatural and Smallville fame spoke in front of a…
Read moreThe Armageddon Expo dropped by Melbourne this weekend, providing a fun environment for geeks to well, ‘geek out’ on their favourite fandoms and share their obsessions for all things television, sci-fi, mystical and comical with other fans. On the first day, Michael Hogan of Battlestar Galactica, Skyrim, Mass Effect fame spoke in front of a…
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