Author: Manuel Lainas

Album Review: Grinspoon – Guide to Better Living (20th Anniversary Edition) (2017 LP)

This month, well known Aussie rockers Grinspoon are releasing a deluxe edition of their first studio album Guide to Better Living. Celebrating the 20 years it’s been around by adding a load of live tracks to the album list. Grinspoon formed in 1995 and released Guide to Better Living two years later in September. The…

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Album Review: Begbie – Riddles (2016 EP)

Adelaide singer, songwriter and guitarist Begbie is only twenty years of age and has developed some talented tracks that you should definitely get behind if you’re into the indie scene. The journey is only just underway, but the skills are there for a path of success. Riddles opens with the track “Bottles on the Floor”; it…

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Live Review: The Delta Riggs – Fat Controller, Adelaide (24.06.16)

Who better to tear Adelaide’s Fat Controller down on a Friday night, but the psychedelic, rock grooves that are The Delta Riggs? The room filled out as time went on before the show. The Pretty Littles played their bit of the night jamming out tracks that only brought fans closer to the purple and red…

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Album Review: Palms – Crazy Rack (2015 LP)

Coming into summer in Australia means barbecues, beers, sunny afternoons and of course your favourite iPod mix. Playing throughout your mates backyard, river campsite or wherever you’ve decided to set up should be Palms’ new album Crazy Rack. This feel good summer vibe album was only dropped a bit over a week ago by Sydney’s…

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Palms (Sydney) talk brand new LP Crazy Rack, lyric meanings, touring and more

Sydney’s indie pop rockers, Palms, were kind enough to join us and share their thoughts and experiences on recent tours with fellow Aussie bands such as Last Dinosaurs and Violent Soho. They talk about their brand new LP, Crazy Rack, out today – we learn that the title is not as cliché rock n roll…

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