Video Games

Apple bans fart apps, happiness and fun on the Apple Watch

Fart apps and smartwatches are a perfect match and everyone knows it. It’s a whoopie cushion that can be set off remotely. There’s nothing that isn’t funny about that. Sadly, Apple disagrees wholefartedly. According to them, that kind of purile hooliganism has no place on such a refined, classy device. Apple’s unwillingness to allow such…

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Games Review: Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China (PS4, 2015)

Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China is a 2.5D stealth/action side-scroller downloadable title that introduces a new female assassin and a reshuffling of the familiar Assassin’s Creed sneaky-stabby gameplay mechanics and serves as the first chapter in a new Assassin’s Creed series. But is it worthy of the Assassin’s Creed mantle?

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Telltale Games to partner with Marvel on a new episodic adventure

Marvel have used a special event in San Francisco today to talk about their plans in the video game market to announce a partnership with Telltale Games, who will develop games based on Marvel’s myriad properties. The first of those titles is expected to arrive on currently unspecified platforms in 2017, but Marvel did not…

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Foxtel to broadcast Aussie FIFA 15 competition, PlayStation 4 National Premier League April 29

16 Australian gamers, celebrities and sporting legends will compete in a live game of FIFA 15, broadcast on FOX Sports from Melbourne’s Federation Square next week, Wednesday April 29. The player list is comprised of nine winners from the Fox Fans League who survived qualifying heats at various Westfield shopping centres nationally, with each PS4…

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Mad Max‘s new gameplay trailer has beatdowns, explosions and beautiful vistas

Avalanche Studios have released their latest gameplay trailer for Mad Max, their tie-in video game for next month’s Mad Max: Fury Road but contrary to other game-to-movie adaptations, it actually looks pretty awesome. Check out the trailer after the jump. The gameplay overview trailer gives a taste of what players can expect in the game…

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Warcraft movie delayed until mid-2016

For WoW fans eagerly waiting to see Azeroth come to life on the big screen, you’re going to have to be patient a while longer. Universal and Legendary pictures have announced another delay for the big-budget Warcraft movie today which will see the fantasy blockbuster slip to June 10, 2016. Originally slated for release December…

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Friday The 13th‘s Jason Vorhees arrives in Mortal Kombat X on May 5

Jason Voorhees, the hockey-masked murderer from the Friday the 13th movie franchise will arrive in Mortal Kombat X as a playable character on May 5. Developer NetherRealm Studios announced Jason’s arrival in a livestream earlier today. The DLC character will be made available to players who bought the Kombat Pack DLC first. If you didn’t…

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The new Mad Max video game is looking incredible.

A fresh crop of screenshots for Avalanche Studios’ action/tie-in Mad Max have arrived, full of brutal combat and desolate landscapes. Have a look at the gallery after the jump and see what you’re in for. Warners announced last month that Mad Max would be releasing September 4 on PS4, Xbox One and PC, but sadly…

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Games Review: Grand Theft Auto V (PC, 2015)

It’s been an exceedingly long wait for PC gamers who were looking forward to getting their hands on Grand Theft Auto V. It finally released, after a nearly two-year wait that was punctuated by delays, with a few new features that allow the PC master race to really make the most of their time in…

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Nathan Fillion reprises Mal Reynolds role for Firefly Online MMO

When Firefly Online, a strategic roleplayer based on Joss Whedon’s short-lived but much-adored sci-fi television show, was announced at San Diego Comic-Con last year, the game’s creators mentioned that cast member Nathan Fillion would be returning to voice his character Malcolm Reynolds in the game. Hit the jump to see and hear him doing just…

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Games Review: Ride (PS4, 2015)

Ride is Italian developer Milestone’s first original IP after almost two decades of creating licensed products and it is something of a love letter to motorcycle enthusiasts. Pitched as Gran Turismo for bikes, does Ride manage to ascend to those dizzying simulation heights?

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Games Review: Mortal Kombat X (PS4, 2015)

With Mortal Kombat 9 receiving such universal acclaim, heralded as a major revitalisation for the long-running and controversial series, and deemed ‘the best MK so far’, it’s only right that Mortal Kombat X completely top it’s predecessor. With the NetherRealm team jogging in the right direction, they have managed to take make their first foray…

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Watch the AU's Chris Singh go head-to-head with Australian UFC Fighter Robert Whittaker in Mortal Kombat X (PS4, 2015)

Last week the AU’s Chris Singh went head-to-head against Australian UFC Fighter Robert Whittaker, fighting for the fatalities in the brand new next gen game Mortal Kombat X. See what happened when the two went at it on the Playstation 4 in this exclusive video below and then read on for Chris’ first impressions of…

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Games Review: Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (Xbox One, 2015)

In an extremely bizarre twist of fate, two of From Software’s latest titles have found themselves up against one another in the same release window. The current-gen remaster Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin arrived on shelves a mere week after From’s PS4 exclusive Bloodborne exploded onto the market with a lot of…

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Games Review: War for the Overworld (PC, 2015)

Let’s make no bones about this: EA’s reboot of Dungeon Keeper on mobile devices was a straight up sham. After the furore that that freemium title created, a lot of players were left with the realisation that they’d really like a new, actual, proper game in the series (that obviously didn’t nickel and dime them…

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BBC celebrates 10 years of Doctor Who by releasing it on BitTorrent

March 26th marked ten years that Doctor Who returned from it’s sixteen year hiatus under the stewardship of Russell T. Davies and the show began it’s meteoric transition from cult classic to international phenomenon. Though the BBC chose not to mark the occasion with a special episode, like last year’s 50th Anniversary special, it is…

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Games Review: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (Xbox One, 2015)

This might vilify me in the eyes of die-hard series veterans but I feel like Final Fantasy, as a series, has been in a bit of a rut for years now. And with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, we see exactly the sort of fresh perspective that could return the series to greatness.

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New BBC Drama set to tell the story of how Grand Theft Auto was born.

BBC Two is preparing a 90-minute drama that focuses on the creation of, and fallout from Grand Theft Auto, describing it as “the greatest British coding success story since Bletchley Park” (the story of the codebreaker who helped shorten WWII by two years). The drama is part of an initiative called BBC Make it Digital,…

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Steven Spielberg moves forward on Ready Player One movie

The film version of Ernest Cline’s wildly popular Ready Player One is moving closer to production. The book, a dystopian science fiction story set in a virtual world built around video games and D&D lore, is set to be adapted by Steven Spielberg according to a new report from Deadline. The 2011 novel follows a…

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Games Review: Game of Thrones – A Telltale Games Series: Episode Three (PC, 2015)

The third episode of Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series resumes very shortly after the conclusion of Episode 2: The Lost Lords. Things aren’t looking great for the imperiled Forrester family and, if this new episode is any indication, their trials show no signs of abating any time soon. Episode Three, titled A Sword…

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Games Review: Life is Strange: Episode 2 – Out of Time (PS4, 2015)

Picking up where the previous episode left off, (and to “Something Good” by Alt-J) Life is Strange: Episode 2 – Out of Time continues Max Caulfield’s story, but not especially far. There’s not a lot of narrative ground covered in this second episode – instead, Dontnod devote more to the development of their leading lady….

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Games Review: Battlefield Hardline (PS4, 2015)

Battlefield Hardline takes the venerable combat FPS series in some pretty new directions. Eschewing military combat for a cops-vs-robbers angle, Hardline works hard to make the most of it’s premise. If you’re reading this review, it’s probably to find out what the game’s multiplayer is like – Battlefield’s multi has long been it’s big draw….

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Games Review: Ori and the Blind Forest (Xbox One, 2015)

Ori and the Blind Forest marks a return to a kind of game we haven’t seen for a while, that most enjoyable of beasts, colloquially known as a “Metroidvania”. It bears all the hallmarks of those 2D exploratory juggernauts but looks for clever ways to update that formula for the modern era. In this, and…

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Games Review: Tales from the Borderlands – Episode 2 (PC, 2015)

It’s been almost four months since the first episode of Tales from the Borderlands was released and the wait for the next installment has been an especially long one. Telltale are obviously aware of the delay, opening their “Previously on” intro with the line “Yes, yes, it’s been a while. Everyone knows.” This cheeky, self-aware…

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Games Review: Hand of Fate (Xbox One, 2015)

Created by Defiant Development, an indie studio in my home town of Brisbane, Hand of Fate strives to be different. It combines elements of a deck-building CCG, a roguelike dungeon crawler and action RPG’s to come up with something entirely new and, while it doesn’t always completely succeed, there’s still a lot to like here.

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VideAU Games First impressions: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (PS4, 2015)

Coming out in a little over a week is Square Enix’s much anticipated English release of Final Fantasy Type-0 HD, an offshoot of the traditional Final Fantasy series, allowing developers at the famed RPG company to play around with the mechanics of gameplay, much in the same way they did with the PSP release of…

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Games Review: Assassin’s Creed Rogue (PC, 2015)

2014 was a pretty rough year to be a fan of Assassin’s Creed. Ubisoft’s attempt at bringing the series into the latest console generation was calamitous at best, but in all the tumult surround Assassin’s Creed Unity, it was easy to forget that it wasn’t the only AC title being released. Assassin’s Creed Rogue, previously…

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Games Review: Oscura: Lost Light (PC, 2015)

Oscura: Lost Light the third game in a series of platformers by Australian developer Chocolate Liberation Front. Based out of Melbourne, CLF has many tendrils in many Australian media avenues with ventures into TV and online projects as well as games. Oscura: Lost Light combines the old-school, challenging platforming of the 16-bit era and combines…

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Games Review: Middle-earth – Shadow of Mordor: The Bright Lord (Xbox One, 2015)

The Bright Lord is the latest DLC to be released for Monolith Soft’s 2014 surprise hit Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. Surprisingly substantial, as DLC goes, it’s a welcome return to Mordor’s barren, Uruk-infested plains and allows itself to tell a rather important story in Middle-earth history while it’s at it.

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Games Review: Screamride (Xbox One, 2015)

Remember Roller Coaster Tycoon? Man, that game was awesome. Building crazed, malevolent roller coasters specifically to make anyone who dared ride them barf up a lung the moment it ended? Brilliant. It’s clear that the people at Frontier Games have played a lot of Roller Coaster Tycoon because Screamride is both an ardent homage to…

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