Best of 2014 Countdown: Top 40 Songs – Part 3: 20-11

We continue on with our best songs of 2014, as voted by the AU’s amazing group of contributors… in case you haven’t been keeping up to date on where we’ve gotten to so far, you can check out 40-31 and 30-21.

20. Coldplay – A Sky Full of Stars

19. Courtney Barnett – Pickles in the Jar

18. Total Control – Flesh War

Leonardo Silvestrini: Hardcore Melbourne indie supergroup plays yearning synth pop. That combination of words will always result in the best song of the year.

17. The Peep Tempel – Carol

Lauren Connelly: It’s fucking bad ass.

16. Run The Jewels – Early

Michael Lean: 2014 saw police brutality reach endemic heights in the USA. The deaths of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice and Eric Garner highlighted it as a race issue. Early is a protest song to galvanize all into action. The story is played out through two views. Killer Mike the helpless victim, subjected to brutality on grounds of race and outmoded Marijuana laws. While EL-P plays the witness unable to help and wracked with guilt for it. It’s a message that needs to be heard and one that will hold cultural importance for some time.

15. The Smith Street Band – Calgary Girls

Mark Tainton: It’s just a beautiful put together song. Heartfelt and melodic.

14. Perfect Pussy – Interference Fits

Cleatus Glob: Punk in the US has kind of been flailing of late in finding a purpose politically, which now I think about it is kind of odd. But one act with an actual voice in punk about real world issue is that Perfect Pussy, a New York noise crew made of increasingly bizarre artists and led by the brilliantly vocal and brilliant vocalist Meredith Graves. Single Interference Fits is the perfect (pardon the pun) showcase of subtle production, heart wrenching vocals, poignant lyrics and tight instrumentation.

13. First Aid Kit – My Silver Lining

Justine McNamara: I listened to this song on repeat for a long time during a hard time, and I found it comforting that someone else understood how it felt to have to just “keep on keeping on.”

12. Meg Mac – Roll Up Your Sleeves

11. Royksopp & Robyn – Do It Again

Jules LeFevre: A brilliant collaboration of two of the best. Swedish electronic masterminds Royksopp and synth queen Robyn produced the slickest dance release of the year.


Stay tuned to the AU for our top ten songs of 2014! In case you’ve missed the first 20 tracks, check out 40-31 and 30-21. Our top 40 albums of the year aren’t far behind either… who will take it out?

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.