Fortnite has partnered with luxury fashion label Balenciaga on a run of clothing both in-game and IRL. The collaboration includes updated (and highly fashionable) skins for fan-favourite characters Doggo, Ramirez, Knight, and Banshee. Certain skins are reactive and will change colour in concert with your actions during play.
You can pick up each skin individually — 1500 V-Bucks for Ramirez or Banshee, 1200 V-Bucks for Doggo or Knight — or you can get the skins as a pair with back bling for 1800 a piece. Extra items, including an emote and weapon skins, will run you 1600 V-Bucks. Get a wriggle on if you’re keen, they won’t be in the store for long.
Here’s a look at some of the IRL pieces Balenciaga has put up in its store. Fair warning, however, these prices will make your eyes water.
Bold of Balenciaga to charge the better part of $2000 AUD for a denim jacket, and $550 AUD for a baseball cap. Bolder still to charge that much in partnership with a video game aimed at children. That hasn’t kept fans from going all in, with certain pieces already sold out. These items, like the digital skins, are limited edition. Once they’re gone, they’re gone, so if you have that kind of disposable income, you’d better get in quick.
For more, check out the official Epic and Unreal Engine blogs.
Fortnite is free-to-play on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.