E3 2016: The Yooka-Laylee E3 trailer is a surgical strike on your nostalgia gland

Last year, Playtonic Games, a developer made up of former Rare devs, ran a successful Kickstarter for a spiritual successor to the classic platformer Banjo-Kazooie called Yooka-Laylee. The game’s first trailer has arrived and it’s going to have you itching to dust off your N64.

Come on. If that didn’t reduce you to happy tears, you must be dead inside. The music. The sounds. The gameplay. The look. The scene transitions. Even the way they talk is like Banjo-Kazooie! And a dig at Nuts & Bolts? This looks like the Banjo-Threeie we never got and we can’t wait to get started.

Yooka-Laylee will launch in Q1 2016 on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Wii U and Windows PC.


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David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.