Here’s your free PlayStation Plus titles for May

It’s that time of the month when we all crane our necks to see what we can wring out of Sony for free this month. It’s been a pretty solid run for the PlayStation Plus freebies, with titles like Bloodborne and Mad Max going gangbusters for the platform. This month Sony wants to get you in the mood for their next big release, Detroit: Become Human, by dropping Quantic Dream’s last great effort.

PlayStation 4 owners this month will be treated to Quantic Dream’s Beyond: Two Souls, a story-driven choose-em-up starring Ellen Page and Willem DaFoe. For those looking to limber up ahead of Detroit‘s mid-month release, this will be a good refresher. Additionally, and not to be forgotten, is Ubisoft’s Rayman Legends. I can’t stress this enough — you need to play this game. Legends is one of the greatest side-scrolling action platformers in history and that it’s free is frankly unbelievable. Get it, play it and know true joy.

PlayStation 3 owners will be getting Deep Silver’s 2014 action RPG Risen 3: Titan Lords and city-stomping kaiju party game Eat Them.

PSVita owners, you haven’t been forgotten about we promise. You’re getting King Oddball and Furmins to add to your library of games for your beloved handheld. How many of those games did you buy and how many did you get from PS Plus? I bet you got a lot from PS Plus.

All of these titles will appear on the PlayStation Store starting May 1st and run for the duration of the month. You’ll need an active PlayStation Plus subscription to grab these titles on the house, and they’ll be available in your library for as long as you have PS Plus.

Last months titles, Mad Max and Trackmania Turbo (PS4), In Space We Brawl and Toy Home (PS3), and 99 Vidas and Q*Bert Rebooted (PSVita) will remain available until the end of the month so grab em while they last.


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David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.