Hold onto your butts: Bioware is going to drop a new Mass Effect Andromeda trailer in the next 24 hours

Happy N7 Day, Australian Mass Effect fans! With November 7 deemed the annual Mass Effect date of note, it makes sense that EA marketing would want to make the most of it and give the long-suffering, information-starved community a little something-something. Good news: the official Mass Effect Twitter account has confirmed a new Mass Effect Andromeda trailer is imminent.

The last we saw of Mass Effect Andromeda was at the PlayStation 4 Pro reveal event, where we saw a few minutes of in-game cinematics that showed off the game’s very pretty 4K visuals. If you haven’t seen that, check it out below:

(If you have the means of watching that video on a 4K screen, we highly recommend it.)

The news of a new trailer comes only a few days after EA began teasing something called the Andromeda Initiative, featuring an update on the game’s official site that is taking sign ups for “orientation” beginning November 7. We’re assuming those who sign up will gain access to a closed beta down the line.

Before you get antsy at us on social media, yes, we know it’s already November 7 here in Oz but, as of this writing, it is 9:50pm on Sunday, November 6 ET in the States so its technically not N7 Day there for another few hours. We’ll keep an eye on the social streams this afternoon and point you to the trailer the moment it goes live.


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David Smith

David Smith is the former games and technology editor at The AU Review. He has previously written for PC World Australia. You can find him on Twitter at @RhunWords.