The long-awaited third and final installment in the StarCraft 2 saga, Legacy of the Void, will release on November 10 according to an announcement from Blizzard overnight. Artanis and Zeratul will unleash hell as the battle to reclaim the Protoss homeworld Aiur begins.
The announcement came during the Season 3 StarCraft II World Championship Series finals in Krakow, Poland. Viewers were treated to the game’s opening cinematic which is embedded for your delectation below.
Nobody does cinematics like Blizzard. Nobody.
The expansion will be the conclusion to a story that began back in 1998 when Blizzard released the original StarCraft. The long-awaited Protoss campaign, the expansion will feature a number of new units and will reveal the fates of series veterans Jim Raynor and Sarah Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades.
One of the most exciting new features is Archon Mode, which will allow two players to control a single base and manage their resources and jobs accordingly. Also on deck, new co-op missions and new units like the return of the Zerg unit the Lurker and Protoss weapon the Disruptor. The (in our opinion already over powered) Terrans aren’t left wanting either with a new unit called The Liberator.
This one’s been a long time coming and we can’t wait to see how it ends. Entaro adun, Executor. It’s about damn time.