2014’s Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor was one of that year’s biggest gaming surprises. A glorious combination of Batman: Arkham City‘s combat and the upgrade tree of a Saints Row title, along with one of the most innovative systems for handling enemy AI to come along in years, it was practically screaming for a sequel. Bar a few unsubstantiated rumours, all’s been quiet on the sequel front — until last night.
A hastily removed listing on Target Canada’s website overnight advertised the preorder of something called Middle-Earth: Shadow of War, along with box art and links to both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the alleged game. The preorder page showed a release date of August 22, 2017.
The page was brought to public attention by frequent game detective Wario64 who was himself alerted by a tip from a community member. Wario64 then tweeted the link and the whole thing blew up from there.
When we reviewed Shadow of Mordor back in 2014, we did so very favourably and have since lamented the lack of anyone picking up the Nemesis System, the game’s innovative enemy AI framework, and running with it. We’re hoping this one pans out and we’ll keep you updated should any further information come to hand.