Telltale Games have announced that the third season of their acclaimed episodic adventure series based on The Walking Dead, entitled The New Frontier, will kick off on December 20.
The new season is set four years after the outbreak and follows series heroine Clementine, now in her teens, and her new friend Javier. While Clem still has a part to play, Javier will also be a playable character, trying to find his family after being separated during the initial zombie attack.
It’s been almost six months since the game was officially revealed during E3 2016. Season Three will also use the new and improved Telltale engine currently seen in the ongoing Batman: A Telltale Series.
You’ll be able to grab the first episode of the five ep series on December 20. It’s coming to PS4, Xbox One, Windows PC, Xbox 360, PS3, iOS and Android. A disc-based version will be released in February.
A new trailer for the game will drop during The Game Awards on December 1.