Album of the Week: Egoism deliver a gold mine of classic tunes in On Our Minds (2020 EP)


Egoism, the classy two piece from Sydney’s Inner West, return in 2020 with their killer second EP; the floating and completely lovely On Our Minds. Having taken the time to deliver their follow up to 2017’s It’s Wearing Off, On Our Minds is a massive step forward for the duo who’ve seemingly found not only their sound, but also the ability to write some of the best pop hooks and melodies you’re likely to hear this year.

Written and self produced, Egoism (Scout Eastment and Olive Rush) have pieced together five songs that will go a long to cementing their spots as one of the best up-and-coming acts in Australia. Opening track “Here’s The Thing”, with the wistful and light vocals of Scout opening the track, is a prime example of how Egoism will break and melt your heart with every word and song. A song written during the break down of a relationship, it properly encapsulates that time we’ve all been in, where bad things seemingly compound on each other and weigh you down like there’s no tomorrow.

Lead single and 2020 stand out “You You” is the epitome of On Our Minds all wrapped up in less than three minutes. Like “Here’s The Thing”, “You You” draws on the theme of being able to finally pull away from someone/something that’s dragging you down. Recorded with the help of triple j Unearthed‘s Level Up grant, the EP came together in their respective bedrooms; with both Scout and Olive struggled with feelings of isolation and having no idea where their lives were headed.

“Never Leave” has a dreamy bounce to it. And is in a similar vein to what Hatchie has delivered over the past few years. It’s sweet, honest and opens up to the listener in a way that makes you just want to give the entirety of Egoism a big old hug. With its repetitive chorus borrowing on mantric methods, the bridge of “Never Leave” is the EP at its most forceful.

The opening riff of “What Are We Doing?” has a real melancholic early 2000s punk vibe to it. It’s almost as if it were straight from the Blink 182 playbook. The harmonies over its closing half showcases the depth of talent Egoism bring to the EP. And, finally, closer “Happy”, with its bullet proof sentiment driven chorus “I wish you were happy/I wish you were fine” is a beautiful climax to an EP. One that not only puts the duo’s best foot forward, but also hints at the quality of what is sure to follow in the future.

While not all of the tracks are as instantaneously great as “You You” or “Here’s The Thing”, there’s enough here to suggest that Egoism are a goldmine of classic tunes waiting to be discovered.


Egoism’s EP On Our Minds is out Friday 6 November. Pre-save and pre-order HERE. You can keep up to date with the duo via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

For those of you in NSW, you can catch Egoism at Dicey Riley‘s in Wollongong on November 12th. Tickets are available HERE. The event is part of Great Southern Nights.