On Monday night, APRA AMCOS launched its new Professional Development Series for Women to an excited audience at their Brisbane offices. Featuring Next Act Coaching’s Viv Fantin, the national event series will see Viv present her popular interactive workshop “Tune Out Your Inner Critic” to APRA AMCOS members.
The motivation for the series follows enormous interest in the organisations inaugural Female Mentoring program to address gender imbalance across membership ranks. Aiming to provide “In Real Life” resources to a wider group of women and non-binary members, the Professional Development Series will support these members in their professional pursuits.
Fantin says, “I’m so thrilled to be part of APRA AMCOS’ Professional Development Series for Women. I see women from the creative fields crippled by their inner critic all the time, and I’m talking about seriously talented individuals who have many reasons to feel accomplished and confident, yet are undermined by negative self-talk. My hope is that the tools from this presentation will allow the inner critic to visit less frequently, speak more quietly and take up less head space.”
According to Head of Member Services at APRA AMCOS Jane Gibson, “The demand for this type of series reinforces what the research is telling us: while the number of men and women studying music is nearly equal, fewer women feel equipped to pursue music at a professional level. The aim across our initiatives is to help make the career pathways easier to navigate, so that we don’t have an attrition of talent from the music industry.”
Following Monday night’s event in Brisbane and last night in Melbourne, the series will head to Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and Darwin.
Wed 31st Oct – Sydney – limited space
Mon 26th Nov – Adelaide – invite coming soon
Tues 27th Nov – Perth – invite coming soon
TBC – Darwin
For more information, members can contact their state or territory representative, or go to apraamcos.com.au/prodev