We’ve been loving following BANFF through 2016; going from an emerging talent on the east coast, to successfully showcasing his music overseas at The Great Escape earlier this year too. Back in Brisbane for BIGSOUND this year, the singer-songwriter (Benjamin Forbes) sat down with Larry to chat about his recent collaboration with Caitlin Park (and how BIGSOUND facilitated it), plus some updates on new tunes!
“I’ve definitely been writing,” he says. “I think that’s where it all stems back [from] for me. …A whole bunch more to write between now and the end of the year. I think an EP makes a bit of sense but I don’t know, I’m feeling really good about where things are at, from the writing side. I’m pretty proud of some of the stuff that is down at the moment so I wouldn’t say that an album is off the cards or anything; I think it would be a huge milestone if I could do that so early in the career of BANFF. I think at this stage, it’ll probably be an EP but I wouldn’t say that I won’t do an album, maybe early next year. We’ll see how it all unfolds.”
“It’s been cool.” BANFF says of “My Love, My Lover”, his single with Caitlin Park (another one of our favourite Aussie artists). “We collaborated on a song that I started writing the bones of early last year. It was always just a little idea I’d played around with but I always had this girl/boy dialogue situation going on and it didn’t feel like, just as a BANFF release, I could really do it justice or do it the way that I wanted. I actually met Caitlin at BIGSOUND last year; she showcased right after my set and we hung out and I saw her set and was like, ‘Dude that is fucking awesome’. I wanted to work with her. We met again in Brisbane a couple of months later at a festival here and threw the idea around of collaborating; that was just a song that I was working on that I thought might fit and we recorded that together.”
“Just that alone is worth the experience for any artist. Probably the biggest thing for me was, I saw Caitlin’s set and was like, ‘I want to work with that person,’. So you get exposed to probably a lot music that maybe you wouldn’t ordinarily come across or seek. BIGSOUND is such a good way of connecting with new artists and people and music, and getting a new bunch of inspiration.”
Watch the full interview below!
Find out more about BANFF here.