The video clip for “Can’t See You Anymore” was shot at my parents’ house (also her childhood home) in Annerley. Jennifer Embleton directed the film, with Short Stack Productions as the filming crew. We filmed the clip in one day and Jen got a first cut back to us within 24 hours – she is incredible.
My mum’s favourite colour is green, so the house has a definite green theme, which made it really easy to tie things together visually and set the themes of the clip. Below I’ve gone through each photo and said a little something about the shot and what else was going on around it. Seamus Platt took all of the behind the scenes shots for our video, as well as all of our press photos for our latest releases, and our single work for the single. Seamus is an amazing photographer and I encourage all of you to check out their Instagram – @seamus.platt.
I feel so lucky to be able to work with so many amazing creative people in Brisbane – filming this clip was really something special.
This photo was the first on the roll that Seamus was shooting. The light leak on the left directly next to the camera POV viewing screen is a cool way to start of this little collection of shots and mems from the video shoot.The first shot we did was the last shot of the video – this is a pic of us setting up in the living room of my parents’ house.A shot of Rei being the best drummer in the world in the lush green living room. Also wearing a Bleached shirt with a very appropriate slogan.Another snap of the set-up. This one was taken when Jen and the team were shooting Chris’ playing close-up which you can see in the viewer if you look closely.We did the shots of the kitchen after the living room shots. Owen and David of Short Stack Productions brought over this camera sliding device (the technical term obviously) and all the shots that they got with it were so cool.Another shot from the kitchen scenes. Being in close proximity to people who I’d not normally be that close to was interesting in this video, and especially in this scene. Jack (pictured) is a good friend of my partner Seamus who took all of these beautiful photos so it was a fun scene.The scenes with the smoke-machine were so fun to shoot. The kitchen has a huge window and we did these shots in the morning so the smoke caught the light in such a cool way. The combo of the light and smoke as well as the green of the walls and the pink of Ned’s (pictured) shirt turned out so well.This is such a great shot. When we shot the scenes in the hallway it had started to get a little dark as it was towards the end of the day so it felt a little bit more eerie which is caught in this picture perfectly.The close-ups on my face while I was singing were a bit funny at first but I got used to it and everyone was so great to work with – we got to make jokes and I felt comfortable doing all of the shots – even with the camera so close! It was also cool to see how they played with light and set the scene up exactly how they wanted it even when the light wasn’t falling exactly how they imagined.This scene was shot in my parents’ bedroom. So the bed spread and all the furniture in the room was so familiar and comforting to me. It made this scene feel a little homely I think. Also Linn (pictured) was SO good in this clip! He was perfectly still in all his shots and in between he was studying for uni exams – what an angel.The lighting that Owen and David set up for this scene was unreal. The light had a yellow gel on it I think and the way it fell on the bed and in the room looked perfectly like the soft light of an early morning. This photo is an accidental double-exposure by Seamus, who doesn’t normally like taking double exposures, but I think it’s beautiful. The blurriness/overlap captures the nostalgia of the scene.Here you see some more action with the camera slider. This scene was so cool and came out so well. It was the first scene we filmed and so we all felt a little bit rigid at first – but we’ve worked with Jen before so soon relaxed and got into the swing of things.My gorgeous mum and dad cooked us all lunch for the day we were shooting. Here is a shot of us all just about to tuck into two different types of pasta, baked fennel, a traditional Italian white bean dish, bread, salad and probably more food that I’ve forgotten about.This is Freda, Monica’s family’s cat. She was hanging out with us all day while we were shooting and loved having the people around, so we thought we’d include her in this collection.
July 13th | The Foundry, BRISBANE July 27th | The Gasometer (upstairs), MELBOURNE July 28th | Brighton Up Bar, SYDNEY July 29th | The Cambridge Hotel, NEWCASTLE
–Words by Monica Sottile. Stay up to date with Sweater Curse here.
Lead image by Seamus Platt.
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