Exclusive Single Premiere: Aodhan “Three Leaf Clover” (Teenage Joans Cover) (2021)


Aodhan, the talented Dharawal singer/songwriter from Albion Park in NSW is certainly going through a purple patch. Only last month he released his outstanding debut EP, Flies In My Room, and he is following it up with a cover of the stellar Teenage Joans song, “Three Leaf Clover”. We are thrilled to be premiering the track ahead of its release on Friday.

Carrying on with his great ability to cover all bases, Aodhan produced and recorded the track himself, and then sent it off to Ryan Miller for mixing, and Paul Blakey for mastering. Aodhan played the guitar, bass, keys and of course added the vocals.

Of the track, Aodhan explains why he was keen to cover it: “[This] was the song that Teenage Joans took out Unearthed High with in 2020. I was a finalist that year too. It wasn’t until earlier this year that I decided I wanted to have a go at creating my own rendition of it. I didn’t plan on releasing it officially, at first it was just going to be a sweet little cover I was just throwing on Soundcloud and socials and stuff. But Ryan, the producer I worked with on ‘Flies In My Room’, suggested I give it an official release.”

Do enjoy this great cover of “Three Leaf Clover”.


You can keep up to date with Aodhan via Facebook and Instagram.

Bruce Baker

Probably riding my bike, taking photos and/or at a gig. Insta: @bruce_a_baker