The renowned actor and multi-genre musician Troy Kingi (Te Arawa, Ngāpuhi, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui) recently released his latest single, “Forgotten Like a Dream (Mortality)”. We are excited today to be premiering the video for the song, a dramatic clip featuring Māori actor Vinnie Bennett (Fast & Furious 9, Human Traces, Good Grief, Ghost in the Shell).
The track is from his latest album Black Sea Golden Ladder that was released in June. Troy is a man who enjoys a challenge and he has set himself the ambitious goal of releasing ten albums, in ten years, across ten different genres. Black Sea Golden Ladder is the fifth in the series and is his ‘folk’ album.
The track was co-written with award-winning artist and producer Delaney Davidson. It has an engrossing world-music feel to it. Of the track, Troy says: “‘Forgotten Like a Dream’ was a song I initially wrote for fellow countryman Marlon Williams. I don’t think it ever got to him so when it came time to dive into this style of music I kind of just unofficially stole it back. It’s about regret,”
The clip was produced by Nicole Horan and directed by Hayden Aull. Initially set in a tea house, a magic brew of tea transports us from one era to another, and into the track, “Forgotten Like a Dream”. It’s full of drama, beautifully shot and certainly grabs your attention.
You can give Troy Kingi a follow on Facebook, Instagram and his Website