From North America With Love: Tully on Tully's Tour Diaries (Part Two)

As they head to Music Matters in Singapore (along with us!), Melbourne indie pop folk band Tully on Tully share with us their adventures from (and en route to) Canadian Music Week in Toronto! The final part begins after the jump…

Staying on the 29th floor of one of the tallest buildings in Toronto has its risks… We opened the balcony door only for the wind to steal some business cards and flyers advertising our show, scattering them around the city. Thanks for the publicity, Mother Nature!

Beers! (ft. Larry from the AU Review)

Today we enjoyed the privilege of being a part of the Sounds Australia Aussie BBQ event for Canadian Music Week at The Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto. One of the most incredible line-ups of mega talented Australians playing together on a stage 14,167km away from home. We played our set to an amazing audience of Canadians, Australian musicians and industry folk alike and had the most amazing time.

Then met up with ol’ m8 Tim Rogers after his…

After that, it was back to New York, New York for a couple of days of R+R (and no shortage of NY-style pizza) to cap off the trip before coming home.

Times Square – every bit as busy and cool as you’d think.

Central Park had some stunning views.

Subway Frank: Eat Fresh

That’s all for now – we won’t be forgetting this trip any time soon. We’re incredibly thankful that we’re able to do and see so many cool things while doing what we love. Next time we see North America it will hopefully be a longer stay with a few more shows, but until then it’s back home to write more songs. Ciao.

– Tully on Tully

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.