Just a Gent's top five tips to turning 18 in style…

Earlier today we revealed the tour dates for Just a Gent‘s upcoming Australian tour – which kicks off tomorrow – celebrating his 18th birthday. So we thought we’d reach out to the Newcastle producer and find out what his top 5 tips were for turning 18 in style…

1. Wear your favourite birthday suit. It makes it much more surreal.

2. If it’s at your parents place, don’t invite everyone, it will be more trouble than its worth. If that’s not the case and it’s not at your folks house, invite everyone.

3. Don’t get too drunk or you won’t remember anything, a mistake that happens way too often.

4. Remember you’re turning 18 so live up all your childish obsessions before the big day.

5. Last of all, if you want to be a real gentleman, travel the country hosting 11 parties instead of one big one because why not?

Don’t miss Just a Gent on tour. All the dates and details you need are HERE.

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.