The Keep Sydney Open crew are hosting another huge rally this Saturday (January 21st) in opposition to the Baird Government’s recent alterations to the state’s lock out laws. Flight Facilities, who have been vocal about the importance of Sydney’s nightlife culture in the past, will be DJing on the night.
“Having met in Kings Cross nearly nine years ago, the place holds a special place in our hearts.” Flight Facilities have said, via statement. “We, personally, realise the importance of nightlife as a breeding ground for ideas and talent. To stand by and watch the continual erosion of a vital stone in the part to our success would be a disservice to Sydney, its music lovers and other potential musicians.”
As it stands, the NSW government have opted to maintain a curfew (including the 30 minute lock out extension) that stunts the city’s former vibrant late night culture from flourishing. Says Keep Sydney Open’s Tyson Koh: “Mike Baird is failing our city and its dynamic people. Instead of considering the smart solutions that the greatest cities in the world use to create fun and safe urban environments, he’s sticking with the blunt, dumb policy of locking up Sydney so he doesn’t have to think about it anymore.”
The rally takes place from 9pm on Saturday – to keep up to date, visit the official Facebook event page HERE.