Kimbra – Metro Theatre (16.09.11)

When it comes to up-and-coming female vocalists, no one can match the rise of New Zealand born, Melbourne based Kimbra, who tonight sold out the Metro with ease. I arrive slightly late but just managed to catch “Limbo”, off her debut album Vows, which would of course be the focus of the set.

Despite the album only being released for a fortnight, the crowd already seemed to know every word to every song, cheering and singing along as though they were decade old anthems. “Two Way Street” was an early example of this, while Kimbra, dressed in a frilly outfit that would make Bjork proud, shined as a confident frontwoman of a six piece band. This included a brass section, backup dancers, and had a nice Melbourne ‘hipster’ feel to them. Oh and then there was that one guy who occasionally sparkled, clearly wanting to be Prince. But then again, who doesn’t?

With a beautiful cover of Nena Simone included within the set, Kimbra showed off perfect tone and an impressive control of the audience. But I think she didn’t have to do much for that – this was a crowd of fans who enjoyed even her most obsure tracks, like “Marigold” (which had so very much tambourine and a “you can dance to this one” announcement), and the Miami Horror track “I Look To You” which made her a household name well over a year ago.

Things taken down a notch for the beautiful “Withdraw” while “Cameo Lover” closed out the main set and was both a massive singalong and a big dance number. Kimbra returned to the stage for a well deserved encore with a guitar in hand and performed “Something Please”, accompanied by the keys. The full band returned for the track “Samaritan” which Kimbra said was “very special to me and I’m excited to share it with you”. It was indeed a wonderful way to end the night.

Tonight was the night Kimbra went from a well regarded supporting vocalist to a superstar. Well, in my books anyway – though I would hesitate a guess that the incredibly enthusiastic and supportive crowd would happily agree.

A pop performer by every definition, with costume changes and class, Kimbra might just be the best talent Australia has seen in a long time. Not best female talent. Best talent. Period. Up there on an international scale. I can’t wait to see her eat the world alive…

Larry Heath

Founding Editor and Publisher of the AU review. Currently based in Toronto, Canada. You can follow him on Twitter @larry_heath or on Instagram @larryheath.